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Git can be complicated
PolyGit makes it understandable
Designed for simplicity and ease of use. Your entire commit history is accessible with just a few taps. Git has never been easier than this.
Commit Graph
Visualize the connections between your commits, branches and tags. Get a deeper understanding of your repository by viewing the Directed Acyclic Graph underpining Git.
Stage and Push Changes
Make quick updates on the go and push commits in seconds. Stage, unstage and discard hunks with an intuitive UI.
Effortless Text Editing
Syntax highlighting for more than 75 languages makes editing code a breeze. Keyboard shortcuts accelerate common actions like indenting and selecting lines.
Merge, Rebase, Cherry-pick & More
Modify your repository with confidence. Git's powerful commands are here with detailed previews so you always make the right changes.
Additional Features
Markdown and HTML Previews
View live previews of your documents in PolyGit or Safari.
Merge Tool
Use the built in merge tool to resolve merge conflicts with a simple tap.
Find and Replace
Find all instances of a string and incrementally replace instances of that text.
GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket Integration
Sign in with your Git provider to view all your repositories and easily clone them.
Horizontal and Vertical Scrolling
Set the 'Column Wrap Width' in Settings to disable line wrapping and scroll horizontally through your files.
How can I authenticate if I have 2-factor auth enabled?
You will need to generate a personal access token on GitHub, an app password on BitBucket, or a personal access token on GitLab and use that to authenticate. See here for more information.
How can I authenticate using SSH?
You will need to export the app's SSH Key and add it to your Git provider. You can copy the key by navigating to Settings and then Credentials. Select 'Export Public Key' and then 'Copy Key'. See here for more information.